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How to make my phone run faster in less than 5 minutes in cameroon


How to make my phone run faster in less than 5 minutes in cameroon

Trick one 

You can make your phone to be fast in less than 5 minutes in cameroon by doing the following. 
  1. Reboot your phone
  2. Navigate to settings 
  3. Clear storage cache. 

These steps will be explained briefly.

Make your phone run faster in cameroon. 

Working with your phone and it starts slowing down, we have got a trick for you to speed up your phone in cameroon. 
1. The first thing to do is to reboot your phone.
Reboot your phone if it is frozen or it’s too slow that you can’t do anything. If you can’t reboot it because it’s too slow, you might consider removing the battery and putting it back before turning on the phone. In case the phone was too hot,  you might allow it to cool down. 
If your phone was not too slow, then you can proceed to the next step without rebooting your phone (it is recommended that you reboot your phone( To beboot a phone is to turn the phone off and turn it on back)).

2. Secondly you need to navigate to settings. 
After turning on your phone, open the settings app. 

Navigate to storage ( look for the option of storage).
Click on storage and USB

Click on internal storage

Click on clear cache. (cache is a hiding place especially for concealing and preserving provisions or implements.data is hidden in the cache. This usually takes up memory and storage)

After doing this, your phone will be fast and you can browse your phone happily again in cameroon.
Clearing cache once or twice a day can be of great help to your phone.
As you know this trick, there is no need for third party apps to make your phone fast because this is the technology that they use.
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Note: clearing cache might wipe your browser history.

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