Home » 6 Tips on how to Become a Successful Blogger in Cameroon

6 Tips on how to Become a Successful Blogger in Cameroon


How to Become a Successful Blogger in Cameroon 2019

how to become a blogger in cameroon, become a successful blogger in Cameroon, 6 tips to become a blogger in cameroon, bloggers in cameroon, become a blogger in cameroon.

Have you ever thought of how to become a successful Blogger in Cameroon?  How the few Bloggers make hundreds of thousands every month?

 It is easy to become a blogger in Cameroon, what you need to just do is to start a new Blog and start writing. As simple as that!!

But how do bloggers in Cameroon become successful?

The answer is simple.

Have the passion, be dedicated, and most importantly be serious about Blogging.

 Many Bloggers in Cameroon try to earn money blogging but very few of the Bloggers in Cameroon get success and actually earn money.

Blogging is one of the best ways of earning money online in Cameroon these days. 

Blogging needs hard work, research and long working hours.

However, there is one question.

 Can everyone get success in Blogging in Cameroon?

  If yes,

why do many bloggers in Cameroon fail and give up their Blogging.

 The answer is simple.

It is the lack of passion and motivation.

Read also :
5 factors which show passion for blogging CLICK HERE

 What it takes to become a Successful Blogger in Cameroon?

Below are 7 tips on what it takes to become a successful blogger in Cameroon. 
  1.  You have writing skills
  2.  You are disciplined
  3.  You are willing to learn
  4.  You are good communicator
  5.  You are willing to work hard
  6.  You are a creative person
  7.  You don’t make stupid mistakes

How To Become A Successful Blogger Even When You Don’t Have Any Experience:- Easy Steps To Becoming A Successful Blogger In Cameroon 2019.

 1. You have writing skills:-

  If you have the writing skills, you can definitely become a successful blogger in Cameroon.

 Writing is the number one skill needed  for becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon

People reading your articles will depend on how good your writing skills are.

Writing skills does not necessarily mean writing like an expert, but write like a unique person.

You are not writing for a book or a newspaper, as they are different.

See also:
 How to write an article for your readers

How to write the creative article for your readers

Ten tips to improve your writing skills

2. You are disciplined:- 

 All jobs require that you be discipline.

However, as a Blogger in Cameroon, discipline should be your your best friend.

It should be reflected in the way you write posts, comment on other blogs and promote on social media.

Getting loyal readers requires that you post regularly on your blog.

If you do not blog regularly, then you will lose your readers.

See also:
Eight important pieces of advice for Professional Blogger

Top productive tips for Bloggers

3. You are willing to learn:-

 A blogger in Cameroon should always be willing and ready to learn.

I for one, is still a learner.

I read a lot of other blogs in Cameroon to acquire more knowledge.

As we know,

“Knowledge is the key to success”

Bloggers in Cameroon usually share their experiences so that other Bloggers can learn from them.

Therefore, you should consider reading other Blogger’s blogs in Cameroon so as to increase your knowledge and become a successful Blogger.

If you are here, its because you are willing to learn and that is what is important.

Even if you archive success as a Blogger in Cameroon, never quite reading.

“Learning never ends”. 

reading will help you to stay updated thereby increasing the chances of you becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon.

4. You are good communicator:- 

 It is possible to Become a successful Blogger in Cameroon if you are a good communicator.

Some of the times, we might think the work of the blogger is only about writing articles for the readers.

However, that is not true.

The main work of a successful blogger in Cameroon starts after you finish writing your article.

A blogger needs to promote that article on social networking sites like facebook, tweeter, instagram and also reply to all the comments you get on your articles.

Becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon will require that you use your communication skills.

Therefore, you have the task to increase your communication skills if you want to become a successful blogger in Cameroon.

5. You are willing to work hard:-

 We discussed earlier that hard work is the basis for becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon.

To become a successful blogger in Cameroon, you need to reflect, find ideas, work day and night, create articles and promote them through social networks.

However, you will not have to stress yourself with too much work.

What you should do is you should use your time smartly and allocate time-consuming work to your virtual staff.

6. You are a creative person:- 

 It’s not necessary that all blogger in Cameroon should be a creative before they become successful bloggers.

However, it’s an advantage for you.

To be creative is one the most important  requirements of writing.

Your articles will alsways attract the attention of the readers.

It helps you to stand out from the rest.

7. You don’t make stupid mistakes:-

As new bloggers in Cameroon, we all make mistakes, and we all also learn from it.

However, it is possible that instead of making mistakes as a new blogger in Cameroon, you learn from the mistakes that the old bloggers in Cameroon already did, so that you make less serious mistakes.

Here are few articles, which will guide you through few of the stupid mistakes a new blogger makes:

  Top 21 Blogging mistake that can ruin your Blog

Eight things I wish I knew before I started Blogging

How To Become A Successful Blogger in Cameroon Even When You Don’t Have Any Experience. 

 Becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon without any experience will sound like a “mission impossible to you now”.

Some time back, i started my new Blog in Cameroon as a Beginner.

I did not have any experience at all.

However, after some little time, i started earning some few thousand, and latter some hundreds of thousands.

 What did I do right as a new blogger in Cameroon?

Below, i will tell you just the things that i did, without leaving any one out.

so read all through if you want to be a successful blogger in Cameroon

  4 Easy Steps To Becoming A Successful Blogger In 2019 in Cameroon  

Step 1: Become A Hungry Reader  

 Becoming a successful blogger includes being a hungry reader and an avid reader.

What i mean is you have to be Voracious. have the burning zeal to read.

You must have probably heard that: 

“Readers are leaders.”  

That’s right.

When you read broadly, you are gifted with the same knowledge successful people have.

I hear people often say

“I want to become a successful blogger like you. what do i do?”

But I am always surprised at how timid their knowledge is, about the business.

Interestingly, when I ask these people how many books they’ve read concerning blogging, marketing, self-improvement, time management, and all the other blogging related topics, they always answer  the same thing:


All successful Bloggers in Cameroon, are people who are committed to a life of learning, and how they learn is by consuming the knowledge of the industry to which they belong.

Do you still want to be a successful blogger?

  I challenge you to start by reading at least 20 books/blog posts on how to run a successful blog.

This is perhaps the best strategy to becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon.

 ShoutMeLoud.com is a great place to start.
You can check out:

How To Become A Credible Blogger That People Trust

How To Make Your Blog More Professional In The Next 15 Minutes

How To Write SEO Friendly Content
The Ultimate WordPress Guide For Beginners

What is Affiliate Marketing

Step 2: Dare To Be Different

Being yourself instead of trying to be like other people is a step to becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon.

You will face all types of challenges but you have to “never stop fighting.”

There are a lot of bloggers out there you know.

Some are successful and some are not.

The basic thing that will differentiate you from them is the way you communicate and transmit your opinions.

So generally if i want to to write my articles or design my blog, i make it more unique to my self

So literally, if i see my competitor doing something on the blog, i do the opposite so as to stand unique.

You should try to always do something your own way without imitating anyone.

Initially, it may seem like too much of a task to do something different, but the only way to really become successful is by moving out of your comfort zone.

Step 3: Invest In Yourself And Your Blog

 To become a successful blogger in Cameroon, you will have to stop searching for free ways to go around things.

The truth is that:

To achieve success with your blog means to start thinking of your blog as a business.

The main difference between successful bloggers in Cameroon and failed bloggers is the willingness to invest in their blog.

 You can still increase your chances of becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon by simply viewing money as an investment that is sure to yield a high output.

If you are truly committed to becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon, you have to rethink your strategy and be ready to invest money into yourself and your blog.

  Essential Blog Investments For Every Blogger

Step 4. Create And Sell Products (Add new income streams)  

By viewing your blog as a business, you get closer to becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon.

However, you will need to put some highly important things in place first.

What things?

a business is : An economic system or organization where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money.

Every business need some small investments so as to make it grow big.

  So what things do you need to become a successful blogger in Cameroon?

 As you can already see from the definitions above, you need to create and sell products/services if you want to build a successful business.

You will need to start selling products on your blog to have to extra startup income.


  These are the qualities you should have if you want to become a successful blogger in Cameroon.

As I said earlier anyone can become a successful blogger if he has these qualities.

Please do add your thoughts in the comments section.  


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Munguh melvis memeh July 25, 2019 - 6:03 am

These is serious and can't wait to be one.am super bent to uplift my spirit of creativity an enjoy some of these cameroon's asserts

Munguh melvis memeh July 25, 2019 - 6:07 am

Many asserts to keep life moving and easy .just talents left to complete the show an keeps life moving

CAMGIST July 25, 2019 - 10:13 am

You are absolutely right Mrs Melvis. Much to exploit. Just stick around for latest updates. You can subscribe with Your email below to receive latest updates

CAMGIST July 25, 2019 - 10:14 am

Indeed you are very correct


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